As with all motorhome insurance, just because it’s cheap, doesn’t mean it’s the best. You need to take some time to consider and select an insurance policy that ideally suits your needs. That means it can also be a tedious process to go through the detail, but once you’ve done it and selected your provider reviewing it each year can be a lot easier.
Finding a good motorhome insurance provider is usually a lengthy and arduous process. It is that way because there are simply too many motorhome and campervan insurance companies out there that do not offer the right coverage for the prices they’re charging. They prey on the fact that it is a legal requirement to have your motorhome insured before you start driving it. A good way to start is to get a motorhome insurance quote from as many companies as possible and thoroughly compare their offers. This should help you weed out the scammers and limited packages from legitimate insurance providers, and make it easier to find the right insurance to protect your motorhome, as well as all of the expensive camping gear and personal possessions you may have inside of it.
Unfortunately, even the most comprehensive motorhome insurance offers do not cover self-built motorhomes, so if you own one, be prepared to shell out a lot more cash on a custom insurance package. The reason behind that is the fact that every motorhome policy out there is catered towards vehicles created by companies that are authorised and regulated by governmental authorities. Taking on a motorhome built by a private individual is simply too much of a risk.
Whether you’re new to the insurance market and don’t really know where to start, or are unhappy with the cover provided by your previous insurer, you’ve come to the right place. This ultimate motorhome insurance guide will help you find the right insurance for your vehicle!
Comprehensive Insurance
We would always advise you to take out comprehensive insurance as repairs on a motorhome don’t come cheap. This is certainly one area that taking out a 3rd party policy may well cost you dearly in the long run. You may well find that you can overlook minor dings and scratches but if a tree branch punches a hole in one of your aluminium side panels then repairs get very expensive, very quickly. If your van is relatively new and certainly less than 5 years old it may well be a good idea to make sure that your policy covers you for accidental damage, including storm and flood damage. If your insurer offers it, look to protect your no-claims bonus too. On the other hand, you can have a look at the 10 years Oaktree Motorhome Finance option.
When you compare motorhome insurance quotes, you should always make sure that the provider is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and their insurance package includes everything motorhome owners may need in the unfortunate event of accident or theft of their vehicle.
What Makes a Good Motorhome Insurance Policy?
Most people start their search by asking: “how much does motorhome insurance cost?”. In fact, this isn’t the question you should be asking yourself, because the cost of your insurance depends on countless factors, including how long you’ve had your full UK driving licence, estimate mileage of your motorhome, your other insurance claims history, as well as exactly how much coverage you want to get. Things like transport and living accommodation or personal possessions cover may bump up the price a little bit, but we guarantee that insurance savings aren’t going to be your top priority when you call the claims helpline only to find out that you can’t get reimbursed because you tried to save a few pounds on your package.
Just like in the case of looking for good car insurance, comparing different motorhome insurance policies may be a bit of a hassle. Especially if you’re not exactly sure what to look for to get a deal that suits your exact needs. Below, you can find a basic overview of what the extent of your motorhome insurance coverage should be if you want to keep your campervan safe and protected for the years to come.
Specialist Comprehensive Cover
This is an absolute must and the very reason why people get motorhome insurance in the first place. When paying for insurance, your motorhome should receive the attention and care of a specialized professional, who works with similar vehicles on a daily basis. If your motorhome insurance policy insinuates taking your damaged vehicle to a regular car repair shop (one that does not specialize in RVs), consider it to be a clear sign that you should take your business elsewhere.
24/7 Recovery and Roadside Assistance
Accidents can catch you at any time of day and night. Whether it’s a lazy Sunday morning or the middle of the night on a Tuesday, you should be able to count on your insurance company to help you with getting someone to recover your vehicle and transport it to a repair shop whenever the accident occurs. Some insurance policies can only guarantee this type of service in the UK. This should be the bare minimum. Go for them if you don’t think you’ll be travelling outside of the United Kingdom too often, as it’s a viable way to cut down on some costs.
European Breakdown Cover
Expanding your insurance package to cover this option will definitely hike up your motorhome insurance cost, but the company you sign with should definitely have European breakdown cover listed as one of their services. It will allow you to safely repatriate your vehicle from within the EU, all covered by the insurance, as well as make use of roadside assistance in any European country covered by the policy. It is incredibly handy when you’re on a long road trip across the Old Continent.
Emergency Accommodation Cover
A motorhome is not only a vehicle. As part of the name suggests, it is also your home whenever you’re on the road. You use it to sleep, eat, and take shelter in there whenever the weather gets bad. If it breaks down or is damaged in an accident, you’ll be left without any accommodation, meaning that you’d have to shell out additional cash on a hotel. Your specialized motorhome insurance policy should include emergency accommodation cover as part of their package — it can be a real lifesaver!
Motorhome Replacement
The very best motorhome insurance packages include the option of replacing your old motorhome with a brand new one in the event of your vehicle getting stolen or written off. While the memories and beloved items that perished in the old one may never be recovered, getting a brand new campervan from your insurance company would surely make life a whole lot easier after falling victim to a motorhome thief.
No Claims Discount
While accidents certainly do happen, and having motorhome insurance is a necessity, chances are that you won’t need to use it for years, if you’re lucky and careful on the road. This is why a no claims bonus should be part of your chosen motorhome insurance package. If you don’t make an insurance claim for a long enough period of time, your basic insurance cost will go down, without any changes to your current policy.
Motorhome Insurance Cover: Points to Consider
Aside from the points mentioned above, we’ve also compiled a list of handy questions you can ask providers when choosing a motorhome insurance policy. Here are a few to start off with:
- Are there any policyholder age limits?
- are there any usage limitations (e.g. can you use it to commute to work)?
- What are the mileage limitations (and cost per mile if you go over)?
- Is Breakdown cover included? What does it cover (this is a big area)?
- Are your contents covered, including Satellite TV, Audio and computer systems?
- What security features are required?
- What countries are you covered in?
- What is the claims process and is the claims team based in the UK?
- Is there any opportunity to bundle any policies together, health, pet, car, home, etc for additional discounts?
Calling an Insurance broker
We think it’s a good idea to have your basic information to hand when phoning around for quotations. Here are our suggestions:
- Some basic information such as (full name of all drivers, address, phone number, email address)?
- Ages and how long you’ve had your UK licences?
- Anticipated annual mileage?
- How long do you plan to spend touring abroad each year?
- Details of any claims or convictions in the last five years?
- Details of any no-claims bonuses on existing policies?
- Details of the motorhome (make, model, engine size, value, year of manufacture, date of purchase)
- Details of where the vehicle will be stored when not in use
- List of contents in the motorhome (the total worth, plus maximum worth of individual items).
Preferred Insurers
Oaktree has had many years of experience dealing with and arranging Insurance for our customers. We have two companies that we work closely with and think highly of. They are:
When you buy a motorhome from us we will provide you with 10 days of free insurance with Caravan Guard. This gives you some breathing space to drive the vehicle home and sort out an annual policy. if you ring them on 0800 14 88 568 or 01422 396 761 and mention Oaktree Motorhomes they will apply a 10% dealer discount as well. You can get a quote online with a 10% discount by going to and you’ll get a dealer discount immediately.
They are another of our preferred providers and we have a lot of confidence in them. We’ve found them to be very professional and efficient and have very competitive rates. You can reach them on 0800 588 4986. And, if you take out insurance with them before the 1st January 2018, you will get 12 months insurance for the price of 10.
Both of our preferred suppliers have a very good claims department who are very helpful. Please give us a call if you need more help.
Alternative sources of Motorhome Insurance:
Go Compare Motorhome Insurance
Shield Total Insurance – motorhome insurance – motorhome insurance
Insurance Factory – Motorhome Insurance motorhome insurance
Mercury Insurance – motorhomes
Caravan and Motorhome Club motorhome insurance
Camping and Caravanning Club motorhome insurance
Adrian Flux motorhome insurance
Comfort Insurance motorhome insurance
These are just a few of the many companies out there. It’s definitely worth shopping around. Remember that not all motorhomes are equal, and some campervan insurance providers will have better (or worse) offers, depending on your motorhome’s size, age, whether you bought it used or not, as well as a myriad of other factors.
Finally, remember: getting cheaper insurance isn’t necessarily equal to getting the right insurance. Insurance companies are very good at sugarcoating poor offers with very pretty advertisement copy. You may be persuaded by the low price, only to find out that the package you got does not include important things, such as roadside assistance, or motorhome breakdown cover.
Read more
Want to read more about everything you should know before buying your motorhome? Take a look at our Beginners Guide to Buying a Motorhome.